Planning for leaving care takes time and you won’t be expected to move on until you are ready.
We also work with young people who are still in foster care or who have left foster care aged 18 to 21 or 24 if the young person is continuing in education. When young people reach the age of 16 the unit will work with young people to complete a needs assessment and pathway plan. This assessment and plan looks at a young person’s future needs in a number of areas: health, accommodation, education, training, employment, support, money and practical skills. This gives young people an opportunity to start thinking about where they want to be living in the future and what their future goals are. We offer practical, emotional and some financial support to ensure young people have suitable accommodation, contact with their families and previous foster carers, access to education, training and employment and access to health services.
When you reach 16 the law says you should have a personal advisor whose job is to help you prepare and plan for your future. Your personal advisor will usually be a social worker, but not always.
Your personal advisor will help you to complete a ‘pathway plan’. This helps you think about what you need to do to get ready to leave care. The plan covers:
If you leave care after you are 16, Childrens Services will help and advise you until you are 21 (or 24 if you are in full-time education).
If you would like to send the service a message or complaint, please use the tabs above to do so or contact us by telephone.
What are my rights?
You have a right to:
Your social worker must:
What is a Pathway Plan?
A pathway plan is done with all young people who are leaving care, three months after their sixteenth birthday. It is based on your needs assessment, which is done by your Social Worker.
There are three types of pathway plan:
A pathway plan looks at a young person's needs in several areas. Accommodation, education, training, employment, identity, health, support (from their worker, or an agency, their family and socially), practical skills and money.
Every six months we do pathway plan reviews for all looked after children as part of their LAC Review.