Each year, the Isle of Wight Council undertakes a business planning exercise in which each department produces a plan to help them to meet the expectations of residents, visitors and businesses and fulfil their commitment to the Corporate Plan. These plans cover a two year period.
The plans give council services the opportunity to explain to the community what their service does, how it meets the government’s national agenda and how it addresses the needs of the Island. The plans also show what each department aims to deliver over the next three years and highlight the associated benefits and how success will be measured. These plans are regularly refreshed to take into account government changes and resources available.
Here are the links to each service's business plans:
Community Wellbeing & Social Care
Corporate Governance
Economic Development, Tourism, Leisure, Strategic Assets, Procurement & Contract Management - information to follow.
Financial Management
Fire & Rescue Service - information to follow.
Highways & Transport - information to follow.
Human Resources
Learning & Development - information to follow.
Legal Services
Planning & Regulatory Services
Resident Advice & Shared Services
Resident Information & Consultation
Schools & Learning - information to follow.