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Adult Safeguarding

Adult Safeguarding

No Secrets, published in 2000, made clear the Government’s commitment to make the protection of adults who are at risk of abuse a high priority. The document emphasised the need for local statutory agencies and other relevant agencies to work in partnership to develop a coherent policy for the protection of adults at risk of abuse and a consistent and effective response to any circumstances giving ground for concern or formal complaints or expressions of anxiety.

To view the No Secrets document click here

The primary aim is to prevent abuse where possible, if the preventative strategy fails, agencies should ensure robust procedures are in place for dealing with incidents of abuse.

Who is an Adult at risk of abuse?

A vulnerable adult is defined in No Secrets as a person aged 18 or over, who is in receipt of or may be in need of community care services, by reason of 'mental or other disability, age or illness, and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation'.