Service Description: The Advisory Teacher for SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties) provides advice to schools for pupils identified with a specific learning difficulty (dyslexia). Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects approximately 10% of the population and is a combination of strengths and weaknesses which impacts on the development of reading, spelling and writing. Pupils with dyslexia may also have weaknesses in short term memory, sequencing and the speed at which they process information. Thinking of dyslexia as a learning difference takes the focus away from remediation by specialists and instead, focuses on the classroom. This is vital since the majority of pupils with mild/moderate dyslexia will be taught in mainstream classes. It is therefore important that both the teaching style and the classroom environment provide maximum opportunities for pupils with dyslexia to learn and thrive.
Also known as:- Dyslexia, Specific Learning Difficulties, SpLD
Answer: Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that is to do with the way language is processed. The most obvious and persistent difficulties are with reading, writing and memory. In almost every circumstance personal organisation will be poor. Many dyslexic people have significant strengths in other areas, such as spatial skills, building and making, oral language and sport.