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Street Cleaning

Service Description: Street cleansing services including emptying litter bins, emptying dog bins and clearing dog fouling

Also known as:- Cleansing, Dog Bin Emptying, Dog Fouling Cleansing, Graffiti, Leaf Fall, Leaves, Litter, Litter Bin Emptying, Needles, Road Cleaning, Street Litter, Syringes

Your FAQ

Question: How do I request a new litter bin for a public area?

Answer: If you feel there should be a bin in a specific area, we need to monitor the area to decide how best to deal with any litter there. If you are a business and would like to sponsor a bin, the cost will be around £450. Please write to Highways and Waste Services, Engineering Services, Enterprise House, St Cross Business Park, Newport, P030 5WB or email [email protected]

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