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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Combined Accommodation Scheme

Service Description: The Combined Accommodation Scheme (CAS) provides a consistent and stable experience for young people in the community who are or have been in foster care by offering continuity of care and accommodation. This scheme also provides accommodation and support to young people (aged 16-18 years) in the community who find themselves homeless.

Also known as:- CAS, Homelessness, Housing, Supportive Lodgings

Your FAQ

Question: How will I know if my home is suitable for provide foster care/supportive lodgings?

Answer: An initial risk assessment of the property will identify any areas of concern. You have a responsibility to maintain your home to a high standard to ensure the health and safety of those placed with you (eg maintenance of gas appliances every 12 months by a CORGI registered worker, safety of electrical appliances and ensuring smoke detectors are fitted and operational).

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