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Highways Winter Maintenance

Service Description: Winter Maintenance is an important part of the work of the Highways Team and involves the clearance of roads affected by snow, ice and drainage problems to provide as safe a passage as possible for users of the highway.

Also known as:- Gritting, Salting, Winter Maintenance

Your FAQ

Question: Where does the highways department salt?

Answer: The Isle of Wight Council maintains a highway network of 492 miles. It would not be realistic or economic to attempt to salt all roads. As is customary throughout the UK, decisions on what roads to treat are based upon the importance of the road. Priority is given to roads carrying the highest volume of traffic and key routes between populated areas.

Precautionary salting is therefore carried out on all A and B Class roads, significant roads in towns and key roads in rural areas. During periods of snow, road will be cleared and treated in priority order, starting with the A Class roads. In prolonged periods of adverse weather additional roads will be treated as required.

40% of the Island’s roads (a length of 197 miles) is included on the pre- cautionary salting network.

Please click on the link below to view a list of salting routes and map. - Related Link

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