Service Description: This service gives contact details and links to all the information relating to the proposed school reorganisation. Please note that the School Reorganisation team are primarily based at 25 Medina Avenue, Newport, IW but their telephone calls and post are directed to the Business Support Team at the number/address listed below.
Also known as:- premises development, Reorganisation, school assets, school organisation, school premises, school reorganisation
Answer: Government guidelines stipulate that free transport must be made available to a primary aged child if their home address is more than two miles walking distance to the nearest school. A small percentage of children will have to travel further than this to their primary school and arrangements will be in place to provide home to school transport for them. In most cases where parents choose not to send their children to their local school but to a school further away they will be required to provide their own transport even if the school is more than two miles from their home. The corresponding qualifying distance for secondary pupils aged 11-16 is over three miles walking distance from their home address.