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Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Registration of Marriages and Civil Partnerships

Service Description: Notices of marriage and civil partnerships. Certificates of no impediment (when marrying abroad) Ceremonies of Marriages and Civil Partnerships. Copies of certificates. You will need to make an appointment to give notice and for certificates of no impediment.

Also known as:- Copy certificates marriages, Marriage Certificates, Marriages, Marriages historical searches, Weddings

Your FAQ

Question: How much does it cost to get married or have a civil partnership at an approved premises?

Answer: The current cost is £320.50 for a ceremony held Monday-Thursday, £345.50 for a ceremony held on a Friday, £370.50 for a ceremony held on a Saturday and £395.50 for a ceremony held on a Sunday. This is payable 3 weeks prior to the ceremony.

There is also a non-refundable booking fee payable at the time of confirming the date, place and time of ceremony

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Frequently Asked Questions for this Service