Service Description: To register for social housing on the Isle of Wight. The register is administered by the council and covers all the housing associations based upon the Isle of Wight. Housing associations are 'Registered Social Landlords' and not private landlords. All social housing properties advertised on the Island Homefinder Scheme are housing assocation properties as there is no council housing on the Isle of Wight.
Also known as:- Allocations (Housing), Choice Based Lettings, HomeFinder Scheme, Housing List, Housing options, Housing Register, Housing Services
Answer: Please contact Housing Services, 7, High Street, Newport, tel 01983 524715. You could also contact the Law Centre, Exchange House, St Cross Lane, Newport, tel 01983 524715, or the Citizens Advice Bureau, Exchange House, St Cross Lane, Newport, tel 0845 1202959. Free advice will be available which may also include representation in court.