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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

SpLD Support

Service Description: The Advisory Teacher for SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties) provides advice to schools for pupils identified with a specific learning difficulty (dyslexia). Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects approximately 10% of the population and is a combination of strengths and weaknesses which impacts on the development of reading, spelling and writing. Pupils with dyslexia may also have weaknesses in short term memory, sequencing and the speed at which they process information. Thinking of dyslexia as a learning difference takes the focus away from remediation by specialists and instead, focuses on the classroom. This is vital since the majority of pupils with mild/moderate dyslexia will be taught in mainstream classes. It is therefore important that both the teaching style and the classroom environment provide maximum opportunities for pupils with dyslexia to learn and thrive.

Also known as:- Dyslexia, Specific Learning Difficulties, SpLD

Your FAQ

Question: What help can I expect for my child in school if they have a specific learning difficulty?

Answer: If your child is not making expected progress then the school should put together an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for him/her. This is shown to the pupil and parents/carers, and is reviewed regularly. A pupil with an IEP as at the 'School Action' stage of support. If progress is still slow the school may ask for advice from outside agencies, at which stage the pupil is put at the 'School Action Plus' stage.

The SpLD Support Centres give advice to schools on strategies and resources useful for each individual pupil. Where appropriate, they also provide tuition for pupils who are in year groups 3 to 6 on admission. Discussion and testing by school staff or other professionals can lead to a referral to the SpLD Support Centres Admissions Panel. The referral must be accompanied by at least two reviewed IEPs and must have parental support.

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