Service Description: Looked After Children's Team - To provide support to young people who are looked after by the local authority and who have a current allocated social worker from one of the 6 Looked After Children's Units
Also known as:- 0-16 LAC, 16+ LAC, 16+ Team, Children in Care
Answer: The law says we have to take notice of your wishes and feelings. We know it's right that you should have a say and that things work better if you are involved. It's important for you to say what YOU want when your Social Worker, your family and the people caring for you are making plans and at your reviews. If there are things you are not happy with, it's best to talk to your carers and your Social Worker who can usually sort things out. Additionally, you can always contact the National Youth Advocacy Service, (NYAS), for support on 0300 330 3131.