Service Description: Children with special educational needs have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. These children may need extra or different help from that given to other children of the same age. An assessment of special educational needs (SEN) may be considered when a child has severe or complex educational needs for which additional resources, or alternative provision may be required to meet their needs. Once the assessment has been completed the child may be eligible for a special educational needs statement offered by the local authority. This sets out the special educational needs of the child and the special help they should have at school.
Also known as:- Assessment, SEN, SEN Admissions, Special Needs, Statement, Sure Start, Surestart
Answer: Once the LEA has issued a statement it must check your child’s progress and make sure that the statement is meeting their special educational needs. The statement must be reviewed at least once a year and this is called an Annual Review. There are two main purposes to the annual review: • Is the statement still needed? • Are any amendments to the statement needed? This meeting will be arranged by your child’s school and will involve yourself, your child and other relevant professionals e.g. educational psychologist, health authority, Social Services etc.