Service Description: Each year in the United Kingdom, approximately 2 million vehicles reach the end of their life, either through age or becoming unusable after involvement in an accident, however, around 3 million vehicles are abandoned in England each year. Abandoned vehicles are expensive to remove, have a negative impact on the environment, look unsightly and can lower the quality of life in neighbourhoods.
Also known as:- Un-taxed Vehicles
Answer: The Council has no powers to remove untaxed cars from the highway or to take any action against the owners. The DVLA at Swansea is responsible for that. Anyone may report to DVLA the presence or use on the public highway of an untaxed car. Reports are treated confidentially. The police will not generally be prepared to investigate a car that is untaxed, but they will check to see if it is reported stolen. To report an untaxed vehicle, you can use the on-line reporting facility at or by letter to nearest DVLA office – Portsmouth – 5th Floor, The Connect Centre, Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth. PO2 8AH, or by calling 0300 7906802 Mon to Fri 9-5