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Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Ventnor Botanic Garden

Service Description: Ventnor Botanic Garden exists to provide a public amenity, for recreation, education and plant conservation. The Botanic Garden on the Isle of Wight is a place where the pleasure of plants can be enjoyed to the fullest, it is also a place where people of all ages can learn more about the wonderful world of plants and the inextricable link that we have with them.

Also known as:- Botanical Gardens, Plant Sales (Ventnor Botanical Gardens)

Your FAQ

Question: What courses do you run at the gardens?

Answer: RHS General certficate course. A nationally accredited two year course, commencing each September.

Ventnor Botanic Garden Certificate in Plantmanship. A one year course, exclusive to the Botanic Garden, providing in-depth knowledge of plant families and the origins of specific plants, as well as topics such as garden design, botany, soil science and basic horticultural principals and practice.

Gardening Club. Meeting once a month for ten months, these are informal sessions with lectures, demonstrations and practical activities. The club will suit new gardeners as well as those more experienced.

Throughout the year informal one-off workshops are held covering such topics as "semi-ripe cuttings" and "plan propagation". These are not on a fixed schedule but are advertised throughout the libraries; the "Friends of the Garden" magazine or upon application through the Visitor Centre.

Further details on all educational activities can be obtained from the Visitor Centre. Inclusion on a database, informing of all courses and events can be achieved by contacting the administration staff on 01983 855397. - Related Link

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