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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Attendance at School

Service Description: The Law states that parents of a child of compulsory school age must ensure that he/she receives full-time education and if a child fails to attend punctually and regularly then his/her parents are guilty of an offence.

Also known as:- Absences, Fixed Penalty Notices (Education), Parent Prosecution, Truancy

Your FAQ

Question: What is the expected rate of attendance for a child?

Answer: The Government says that your child should attend 95% of sessions. If you take two weeks holiday in term time that is 20 sessions a year. There are 380 sessions in a school year. Therefore 2 weeks holiday takes your child to less than 95% attendance. So if they have any days off sick there are already below the expected attendance rate. If it is not essential that you take your holiday in term time please do not do it. Holidays for pupils will not be authorised over the test period in May. - Related Link

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