Service Description: This Service is responsible for fulfilling statutory responsibilities of the Local Authority in respect of school enrolment, attendance, exclusions and juvenile employment. The Education Welfare Officers can be contacted on 814370 or Duty Mobile Number 07976 009494 or [email protected]
Also known as:- Attendance, Bullying, Chaperone, Child Employment, Employing Children under 16, Exclusions, Performance Licences, Truancy
Answer: Children and young people are encouraged to talk to somone if they are being bullied. Tell a friend, parent or teacher or text 'Help' to the Anti-bullying text line on 07976 009494 where they will be given the option to see or speak to someone in confidence.( Texts are charged at normal rates) Alternatively they can phone (freephone) 0800 0286464 to speak to someone in confidence. - Related Link