Service Description: Queries about Child Entertainment Performance Licences can be addressed to the Business Support Team (Schools and Learning) at County Hall. A Matron or Chaperone is the title of the licensed person appointed to protect, control and care for children whilst they are performing. For more information, and applications forms relating to Chaperone Licenses please use the additional weblinks below.
Also known as:- Chaperone Licence, Matron Licences, Performance Licenses, Performance/stage licences for school age children, Stage Licences
Answer: An Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) is an informal agreement between an agency’s and an identified individual who is behaving inappropriately or anti-socially. The ABC sets out an agreement between the parties about acceptable behaviour AND must specify the behaviour that is causing concern. The format for an ABC is very similar to an ASBO and lists behaviours that are “not acceptable”. For example, it might specify that the person concerned will not spit in the street.