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Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

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Adult Safeguarding

Service Description: Dedicated Safeguarding staff will coordinate referrals and assess seriousness; safeguarding investigations will take place across the whole of Adult Social Care.

Also known as:- Adult abuse, Adults at Risk, Protection - Adults, Protection of Vulnerable Adults, Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Vulnerable Adults

Your FAQ

Question: What is adult abuse?

Answer: Abuse is mistreatment by any other person or persons that violates a person’s human and civil rights. The abuse can vary from treating someone with disrespect in a way, which significantly affects the person’s quality of life, to causing actual physical suffering.·Abuse can be Physical, Psychological or Emotional, Financial or Material, Neglect, Discriminatory, Institutional.

Abuse can happen anywhere – in a residential or nursing home, a hospital, in the workplace, at a day centre or educational establishment, in supported housing or in the street.

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