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Highway Network Management

Service Description: Making the best use of our current road network, given all the competing demands upon it and helping to maintain the highway infrastructure. The Isle of Wight Council Highway Authority has a mandatory duty to co-ordinate works in order to facilitate the expeditious movement of traffic on the authority’s road network. It needs to consider the needs of all road users, including utilities, when carrying out that duty. This process must identify current and future causes of disruption and collate and consider the timing of planned works or events. An underlying principle which guides us is that reliable journey times are extremely important to the vast majority of road users.

Also known as:- Road Works - Obstructions by Utility Companies Works, Roads and Highways - Enforcement, Section 50, Section 58, Street Works Licence, Traffic Management Enforcement

Your FAQ

Question: What is a Statutory Undertaker?

Answer: A Statutory Undertaker holds a licence granted by The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), which, amongst other things, gives them the right to excavate the public highway. They are typically involved with moving water, gas, electricity and telecommunications. Overhead or underground apparatus needs to be installed and maintained to do this.

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