A-Z Council Services

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Drainage Schemes

Service Description: The Council are responsible for drainage systems which allow the removal of surface water from the publicly maintained highway to avoid flooding or standing water during periods of heavy rainfall.

Also known as:- Drainage Maintenance, Drains, Gully

Your FAQ

Question: What is the council's policy towards gully cleansing?

Answer: The Highway maintenance section sets out a cleaning order for each gully on the Island. There are approx 1600 gullies which are cleaned once year, with 20 chosen sites of Catch Pitts and Gullies having to be cleaned monthly. This leaves around 62 currently remaining gullies on a BI-Annual (6 monthly) cleansing cycle.

Due to constant new development on the Island, the addition of extra gullies, Annually, Monthly, or Bi-Annually cleaning, can be an ongoing process. Changes can sometimes occur in cleaning order rotates for Streets/Roads, especially new developments.

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