Service Description: Facilities available to residents for recycling of household waste.
Also known as:- Bottle Banks, Clear bags, Compost Bins, food caddy, Green Bucket, Kerbside Collection, Recycling Sites, Waste Management, Wheelie Bin
Answer: The Council is unable to give a blanket indemnity to residents for any claims arising as a result of waste being left on the kerbside. Should any claims arise, which is considered unlikely given the experience of other local authorities, they will be treated individually on their merits. The Council’s view is that waste placed at the kerbside represents no more of a hazard than permanently fixed street furniture such as litter bins, seats, lighting columns or sign posts. In other words it will constitute an obvious hazard to be avoided and won’t actually be sufficiently dangerous to entrap pedestrians. The Council makes the waste collection days available to all residents and hence the resident too has a duty to make sure that any waste is not left at the kerbside or on the footway for unacceptable periods of time. Likewise the Council asks for cooperation from residents to ensure that waste is placed in single file along the kerbside and not grouped into piles.