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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Street Cleaning

Service Description: Street cleansing services including emptying litter bins, emptying dog bins and clearing dog fouling

Also known as:- Cleansing, Dog Bin Emptying, Dog Fouling Cleansing, Graffiti, Leaf Fall, Leaves, Litter, Litter Bin Emptying, Needles, Road Cleaning, Street Litter, Syringes

Your FAQ

Question: Is dog mess a health hazard?

Answer: Both dog and cat faeces can contain the eggs of the roundworm Toxocara. These eggs can survive in the soil for several years. If they are ingested or inhaled by humans they may cause eye, liver, brain and respiratory problems such as asthma, hepatitis and epilepsy. Children playing in fouled recreation areas are most at risk. Dog waste is also a potential health risk to farmers' livestock if dogs are allowed to foul in their fields.

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