Service Description: Looked After Children's Team - To provide support to young people who are looked after by the local authority and who have a current allocated social worker from one of the 6 Looked After Children's Units
Also known as:- 0-16 LAC, 16+ LAC, 16+ Team, Children in Care
Answer: Wherever possible we will work hard for you to go home but we must be sure that this is right and safe for you. Your views are important and you will be involved in deciding what is best for you. There will be meetings to plan for your future. These are your meetings and we will do everything we can to help you have a say. These are some of the sorts of plans we make for children and young people: To be looked after for a series of short breaks To be looked after for a short time with a plan for you to go back home to your parents or other family members To be looked after on a long-term basis either with foster carers, kinship carers or in a residential placement To be adopted by a family who will become your legal parents.