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Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

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Adult Safeguarding

Service Description: Dedicated Safeguarding staff will coordinate referrals and assess seriousness; safeguarding investigations will take place across the whole of Adult Social Care.

Also known as:- Adult abuse, Adults at Risk, Protection - Adults, Protection of Vulnerable Adults, Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Vulnerable Adults

Your FAQ

Question: What things should I consider if I feel I'm being abused?

Answer: If you feel that you might be at risk of abuse you should consider the following actions, which might help to reduce that risk. Often abusers are only successful because they keep you quiet or stop others from finding out what is happening to you. It is therefore wise to:

•Maintain contact with any friends or neighbours that you have known for a long time and who you are confident can be trusted;

•Keep in contact with those friends and neighbours if you move to a new address. If you cannot go to see them, try to write letters regularly telling them about your new life and what is happening to you.

•Encourage friends to visit you at home and try to join a local group or club. The more interaction you have with other people the less chance there will be for you to become isolated.

•Have regular medical or dental appointments. Dentists and GP's are people who should be able to talk to you, or spot signs that you are being abused.

•Make sure that people are aware that you know where you have put important documents or property, and always open and post your own mail. If you have to rely on others to post your own mail then try to use more than one person. Don't leave cash, jewellery, or valuable possessions lying about.

•Talk to a lawyer about arrangements that you can make for any future possible disabilities or problems, and always get legal advice before making arrangements for someone to take care of you in exchange for your property, possessions, or money. Don't allow anyone to keep from you the details of your finances or property management.

•Don't sign anything unless it has been checked by someone not involved and independent of the issue. If someone asks you to sign a Power of Attorney, always get independent advice to make sure you understand what it means.

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