Service Description: This service aims to provide residential accommodation for children up to 18 years of age who cannot live who cannot live at home or require specialist provision. Prior to a placement in residential accommodation there will be assessment of need undertaken in conjunction with the young person and their family, social workers and residential staff. The results of this assessment will be considered by a Multi – Agency Panel that meets once every 6 weeks. The Panel is very careful when looking at options and considering what is in the best interests of the child & their family.
Also known as:- Children's Homes
Answer: This would be encouraged at all times except in circumstances when a child may be considered at risk of significant harm from continued contact. Contact arrangements are discussed at the time of the child’s admission and subsequently detailed in the placement plan. For Looked After Children the Local Authority has a duty to help and support contact between the child and their family, so long as the child is not subject to any restrictions due to concerns of a Child Protection nature.