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Highways Winter Maintenance

Service Description: Winter Maintenance is an important part of the work of the Highways Team and involves the clearance of roads affected by snow, ice and drainage problems to provide as safe a passage as possible for users of the highway.

Also known as:- Gritting, Salting, Winter Maintenance

Your FAQ

Question: What are the main responsibilities of the highways department when it comes to winter maintenance?

Answer: Our key responsibilies are to:

*Undertake precautionary salting on major roads and key commuter routes when there is a risk of ice or snow.
*Monitor road conditions and direct resources to where problems are occurring.
*Clear major routes of snow
*React to highway flooding and fallen trees
*Provide sand bags on request
*Cleanse 18,000 gullies annually
*Maintain and improve drainage systems as required
*Keep traffic delays to a minimum

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