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Highways Insurance Claims

Service Description: To receive and process compensation claims relating to Highways areas of responsibility or alleged defects.

Also known as:- Personal Injury Claims

Your FAQ

Question: Why has my claim for compensation been turned down?

Answer: Although you have hit a pothole on a road owned by the Isle of Wight Council, it does not mean you are automatically entitled to compensation.
Potholes can break out very quickly and it is simply not possible for the Isle of Wight Council to check every road on the Isle of Wight every day for potholes.
The law recognises this and therefore the legal requirement for local councils is to check each road for defects monthly, quarterly or annually depending on the type of road and its usage.
Therefore if we have inspected the road within the timescale, and the pothole was not present on the date of inspection then we have complied with the law.
If a pothole has broken out since this inspection, it does not mean the Isle of Wight Council is negligent.

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