Service Description: Queries about Child Entertainment Performance Licences can be addressed to the Business Support Team (Schools and Learning) at County Hall. A Matron or Chaperone is the title of the licensed person appointed to protect, control and care for children whilst they are performing. For more information, and applications forms relating to Chaperone Licenses please use the additional weblinks below.
Also known as:- Chaperone Licence, Matron Licences, Performance Licenses, Performance/stage licences for school age children, Stage Licences
Answer: Health Once obtained, medical clearance lasts for a period of 6 months. No child should be allowed to perform when unwell. If a child does fall ill or injured whilst in the charge of the Matron or Teacher then a doctor should be called and the licence holder must inform the parent and the local LEA as soon as possible. A medical certificate should be supplied (unless one has been seen in the last 6 months). Education The person who is applying for the licence should state their proposals for the child’s education at the time of application and the LEA will decide whether the arrangements are satisfactory. The LEA must be satisfied that: The private tutor is suitable and competent. The course of study is suitable. One teacher will not teach more than 6 children at any one time unless they have all reached a similar standard, in which case the teacher may teach 12. The classroom must be approved by the LEA. The child should be taught for at least 15 hours per week when he/she would normally be required to attend school. Absence from School In accordance with regulations absence may only be authorised to allow pupils to be employed in accordance with a licence. The law does not allow children to be authorised absent for an unlicenced performance. Provision to secure the child’s Health, Comfort & Kind Treatment The child must be supervised for the duration of his/her performance by a Matron or Chaperone.