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Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

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Adult Safeguarding

Service Description: Dedicated Safeguarding staff will coordinate referrals and assess seriousness; safeguarding investigations will take place across the whole of Adult Social Care.

Also known as:- Adult abuse, Adults at Risk, Protection - Adults, Protection of Vulnerable Adults, Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Vulnerable Adults

Your FAQ

Question: Who should I contact if I am being abused or suspect that someone is being abused?

Answer: If you are worried about another adult or are being abused yourself, please contact the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Practitioners in the Adults First Response Team on 01983 814980 or via email at [email protected] Out of hours contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01983 821105.

If you think a crime has been committed, report it to the police immediately. In an emergency, call 999; otherwise, call your local station on 101.

Social Care inspection bodies
If you have concerns about bad practices or abuse in a care home or by domiciliary care services, contact the appropriate organisation. These organisations do not regulate care provided through personalised services, unless you receive care from a structured care service.

In England, it is the Care Quality Commission (tel. 03000 616161)

General Practitioners/practice nurses/dentists
You can speak, in confidence, to your GP, practice nurse or dentist if you are being harmed. If you know an adult at risk who needs medical attention or seems to be emotionally upset, talk to them about seeing their GP or, with their permission, talk to a doctor/practice nurse on their behalf.

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