Service Description: To register for social housing on the Isle of Wight. The register is administered by the council and covers all the housing associations based upon the Isle of Wight. Housing associations are 'Registered Social Landlords' and not private landlords. All social housing properties advertised on the Island Homefinder Scheme are housing assocation properties as there is no council housing on the Isle of Wight.
Also known as:- Allocations (Housing), Choice Based Lettings, HomeFinder Scheme, Housing List, Housing options, Housing Register, Housing Services
Answer: Anyone who is 16 or over can go on the Island Homefinder Scheme. However, anyone under the age of 18 needs to have a guarantor before they can accept an offer of accommodation through a Housing Association. A guarantor is liable for any rent not paid by the tenant so they need to be over 18 and be able to prove what income they receive.