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Carbon Monoxide

Service Description: Knowing about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning is vital for us all. You can't see, taste or smell the gas, but it is lethal.

Also known as:- Housing Renewal

Your FAQ

Question: What signs should I look our for and what can Carbon Monoxide do to me?

Answer: • Gas flames that burn orange or yellow instead of blue.
• Sooty stains on or just above appliances.
• Solid fuel appliances that burn slowly or extinguish.

Carbon monoxide bonds with the haemoglobin in your blood and subsequently replaces the oxygen needed to
sustain your body’s functions. It can cause fatalities where a high dose of Carbon Monoxide is present, or can build up over a period of time causing symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea, confusion, disorientation, fatigue, and chest pain. Symptoms can often be confused with influenza and sometimes depression.
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