Service Description: This service aims to provide residential accommodation for children up to 18 years of age who cannot live who cannot live at home or require specialist provision. Prior to a placement in residential accommodation there will be assessment of need undertaken in conjunction with the young person and their family, social workers and residential staff. The results of this assessment will be considered by a Multi – Agency Panel that meets once every 6 weeks. The Panel is very careful when looking at options and considering what is in the best interests of the child & their family.
Also known as:- Children's Homes
Answer: We try to place children as near as possible to the Island so that they can continue to have contact with family and friends. We will always try and match your child’s needs with what Residential Placement or School can offer. Sometimes the lack of the availability of Residential School placements means we don’t have a wide choice. We make sure that if your child is a Looked After Child, the Social Worker visits the establishment before placement. Where possible we would encourage all those with parental responsibility to visit and be satisfied about the Residential Placement or School before placement. In all cases, parents would need to agree to the placement except when the child is subject to a Care Order and in those cases the parents’ views would be sought but the final decision would rest with the Local Authority.