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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

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Service Description: The Isle of Wight Adoption Service provides a service for those who live on the Isle of Wight for whom adoption has been or will be part of their life. The service is always looking for adults to provide an adoptive home for children who cannot live with their birth families. Adoption may involve single children or sibling groups. Ages may range from birth to adolescence. Some children will have special needs. If you are adopted or are a birth parent, we can also offer you a range of services.

Also known as:- Directorate for Community Wellbeing and Social Care

Your FAQ

Question: How is a child’s contact with birth relatives managed?

Answer: Every child’s circumstances are different but many children have letterbox contact once or twice a year with a birth relative. Some children (particularly for older children) may need to have face-to-face contact with birth relatives (usually birth siblings) even after they have been adopted and the arrangements for this will vary from child to child.

Your assessing Social Worker will also help you to consider the benefits and challenges that contact with birth relatives may raise for you and your adopted child(ren). Some adopters are happy to involve some birth relatives, other adopters find this more difficult; your assessing Social Worker will help you to think about the level of birth family contact that you would be able to manage.

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