Service Description: Looked After Children's Team - To provide support to young people who are looked after by the local authority and who have a current allocated social worker from one of the 6 Looked After Children's Units
Also known as:- 0-16 LAC, 16+ LAC, 16+ Team, Children in Care
Answer: When you become looked after we try to make sure you don’t have to deal with too many changes. This means we would like you to stay at the school or college where you go at the moment. However, this may not be possible if your placement is too far away. Your social worker will talk to you about what is going to happen with your education and explain any changes. We believe that a good education is important. We want to support you to do your best. One of the ways we do this is to work with you and your school on a Personal Education Plan. This is a written plan which includes any extra help you might need whilst you are living away from home. Remember… You have a right to be involved in all the decisions that are made about your life (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,( Article 12)