Service Description: Advice is given to people that find swarms of bees. Honey Bees are endangered and none are left in the wild. Honey Bees are not dangerous.
Also known as:- Bees
Answer: All bees are environmentally friendly and should never be killed as they are not considered a pest. Here is a list of members of the public who keep honey bees as a hobby.They have volunteered to give advice or assistance to help capture swarms if possible, but they are not under any obligation to do so. Please note : Honey bees only - Beekeepers are NOT interested in wild bees. Dave Cassell (Swarm Controller - IW Bee Keepers Assoc. - Will summon help from members), High Street, BRADING - (01983) 407674 / 07919244080 -Will go anywhere. David Elliott (British Bee Keepers Assoc.), 15 The Fairway, SANDOWN - (01983) 403815 / 07957772627 - Will go anywhere. David Parr, MARKS CORNER - (01983) 297486 - Advice only. Peter Davies, WOOTTON - (01983) 297885 / (01983) 882898 (Evenings and Weekends) - Will go anywhere. Derek Southcott, BEMBRIDGE - (01983) 873804 (At work until 5.30). Ray Western, ‘La-belle Vie,' Redhill Lane, SANFORD - (01983) 221234 - Will go anywhere. For any further information, please contact Environmental Health on (01983) 823000 or email [email protected]