Service Description: The Warm Front Team deals with loft insulation / cavity wall insulation / central heating.Their contact number is 0800 316 6011 lines open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday Please Note this Service is ending soon (probably by March 2013) and will be replaced by other schemes such as the Green Deal and ECO (Energy Company Obligation)
Also known as:- EAGA Partnership, Home Energy Efficiency Scheme, Insulation Grant
Answer: There may be a small budget available for this financial year 2011-12. Grants may be available to carry out minor repairs to owner-occupied and rented properties where the eligibility criteria is met. Owner occupiers must have lived in property for 2 years to be eligible and it is a means tested grant. Please provide details to the Housing Renewal Section on 823040 in order to be added to the waiting list.