Service Description: Looked After Children's Team - To provide support to young people who are looked after by the local authority and who have a current allocated social worker from one of the 6 Looked After Children's Units
Also known as:- 0-16 LAC, 16+ LAC, 16+ Team, Children in Care
Answer: It is not always possible for young people to stay in the same Residential Unit or foster home throughout the time they are looked after. If it becomes necessary for you to move home, your Social Worker will talk to you about it and ask what you want to happen. You will be involved with the arrangements and will know about the move before it happens, unless there is an emergency. This will mean that you will have time to get used to the idea and tell your friends about the plans. Your belongings will be moved in appropriate bags / containers. They will NOT be moved in bin liners as this is unacceptable.