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Children and Young Peoples Services

Services for Adults on the Isle of Wight

Respite Care - Children

Service Description: Respite care is a form of short-term substitute care provided by someone other than the parents or usual carers for a child. Respite care is a key support to families and is organised to suit the needs of the particular child and family. It can take place in a hospital, residential setting or in the child's own home. It gives parents free time to give them a rest, to spend time with their other children or in an emergency.

Also known as:- Part Time Fostering, Residential Care

Your FAQ

Question: What happens if my child needs Residential Care ?

Answer: We do not have any Residential Homes or Schools for children on the Island, except for Beaulieu, which offers respite care to children with a disability.

Any requests for Residential Placements are considered by a Multi – Agency Panel that meets once every 6 weeks. They will look at the Assessments undertaken on your child and consider whether there are any alternative local options such as Foster Care on the Island or a Mainstream School place with support. The Panel would think very carefully about whether it is in the child’s best interests to be placed away from their family and their local community.

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