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Rights Of Way - Maps

These maps are digital copies of the current edition of the Definitive Rights of Way Map for the Isle of Wight. The Definitive Map and Statement is the record of public rights of way which the Council has a duty to maintain for public reference under the WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981. The complete Definitive Statement includes written details of individual rights of way and may be inspected at County Hall in Newport.

Three kinds of highway are required to be shown on the maps: footpath, bridleway and byway open to all traffic. A byway open to all traffic is a carriageway which is mainly used as a bridleway or footpath.

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R.o.W Map 1 R.o.W Map 2 R.o.W Map 3 R.o.W Map 4 R.o.W Map 5 R.o.W Map 6 R.o.W Map 7 R.o.W Map 8 R.o.W Map 9 R.o.W Map 10 R.o.W Map 11 R.o.W Map 12 R.o.W Map 13 R.o.W Map 14 R.o.W Map 15 R.o.W Map 16 R.o.W Map 17 R.o.W Map 18 R.o.W Map 19 R.o.W Map 21 R.o.W Map 22 R.o.W Map 27 R.o.W Map 28 R.o.W Map 29 R.o.W Map 30 R.o.W Map 31 R.o.W Map 32 R.o.W Map 33 R.o.W Map 34 R.o.W Map 36 R.o.W Map 37 R.o.W Map 38 R.o.W Map 39 R.o.W Map 40 R.o.W Map 41 R.o.W Map 42 R.o.W Map 43 R.o.W Map 44 R.o.W Map 35 R.o.W Map 20 R.o.W Map 23 R.o.W Map 24 R.o.W Map 25 R.o.W Map 26 R.o.W Map 45 R.o.W Map 46 R.o.W Map 47 R.o.W Map 48 R.o.W Map 49 R.o.W Map 50 R.o.W Map 53 R.o.W Map 54 R.o.W Map 55 R.o.W Map 56 R.o.W Map 57 R.o.W Map 58 R.o.W Map 59 R.o.W Map 60 R.o.W Map 61 R.o.W Map 71 R.o.W Map 72 R.o.W Map 73 R.o.W Map 62 R.o.W Map 63 R.o.W Map 64 R.o.W Map 65 R.o.W Map 66 R.o.W Map 67 R.o.W Map 68 R.o.W Map 69 R.o.W Map 70 R.o.W Map 51 R.o.W Map 52 R.o.W Map 74 R.o.W Map 75 R.o.W Map 76 R.o.W Map 77 R.o.W Map 78 R.o.W Map 79 R.o.W Map 80 R.o.W Map 81 R.o.W Map 82 R.o.W Map 83 R.o.W Map 85 R.o.W Map 86 R.o.W Map 84