This is caused by extreme amounts of rainfall overwhelming drainage systems, which is usually due to thunderstorms. Flooding that is caused by high tides and weather conditions causing breaches in sea defences and the surrounding areas, are know as Coastal Flooding. This causes rivers to breach their banks after exceptional periods of heavy rainfall,
aquifers and natural springs are used to decrease the possibility of groundwater flooding. Extensive periods of rain can cause water to engulf roads and drainage systems.
You must not discharge water on the highway, especially during a flood, as water can freeze and form ice on roads. Alternative discharge points should be available, such as connecting to a regular highway gully; these can be installed if they’re not present.
Under no circumstances should you discharge water in to the Sewer system, as they’re
not designed to accommodate flood water and the pipe can quickly become overwhelmed with water, which can cause flooding of foul water.

Any known groundwater flooding should be
reported here.Link to Highway Drainage page