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The Island Agenda 21 Strategy

The Island Agenda 21 Strategy was adopted by the Isle of Wight Council in November 2000.

It was developed and written in partnership with the people of the Isle of Wight and reflects their vision for the future of the island.

  •   To download the Agenda 21 Strategy for the Isle of Wight pdf click here (note 6.1 mb - this document may take several minutes to download over a standard 56k modem).

The Renewable Energy Strategy has also been developed in consultation with the Island's communities. The work was part funded through the EC Altener programme which aims to help EU Islands become self-sufficient in renewable energy generation.
The project was launched at a public workshop in July 2001 and in March 2002 a day long workshop was held where the project consultants presented the Technical Analysis Report. This report identified the renewable energy resources available on the Island and the various technologies which might be used to generate electricity from them.

Through May and June 2002 members of the island's communities have been meeting with Council members and officers to develop the renewable energy strategy and the 'Flagship' Projects.

On July 29 the groups came together to hear the presentation of the Cost Benefit Analysis Report produced by Intermediate Technology Consultants.

The final strategy will be put together over the summer and will be available for final consultation in early Autumn. The final draft of the strategy expected to be approved by the Isle of Wight Council in December 2002.

  • To download the Background Analysis For A Renewable Energy Strategy for the Isle of Wight to 2010 pdf click here (737k)

  • To download the Cost Benefit Analysis For A Renewable Energy Strategy for the Isle of Wight to 2010 pdf click here (313k)