V.H.F. Radio - Channel 80 (Call Sign - Ryde Harbour)

- Ryde Harbour dries and is only accessible to small craft approximately 2.5
hours before HW and 2 hours after HW.
- The approach channel across Ryde bears 202 Magnetic and is marked by Port
and Starboard Navigational buoys as shown above.
- The Harbour Entrance is lit after Sunset by:
(a) 2 Fixed Red Lights (vertical) on the Port Side of the Harbour Entrance.
(b) 1 Flashing Green Light on the Starboard Side of the Harbour Entrance.
(c) A floodlight directed shoreward incorporated in the Port Hand Navigation
Light Mast illuminating the Harbour.
- Further information concerning the running of the Harbour can be obtained
from the Ryde Harbour Master (01983) 613879.
General Information
- The Harbourmaster will advise concerning all supplies and services which
you may require.
- Board sailing and jetski craft are prohibited within the harbour.
- Yachtsmen and all navigators using the harbour and requested not to release
washing water or to pump WC or bilge effluent into the harbour. This particularly
important in a drying harbour.
- Please ensure that only the shore facilities are used.
- Fuels are available from local garages.
- Gas is available from the local suppliers.
Weather Information
- Dover Coastguard: 01304 210008
- Solent Coastguard: 02392 552100
- Portland Coastguard: 01305 760439
Weather Forecasts
- Weathercall helpdesk: 0870 600 4242
Useful Telephone Numbers
- HM Customs Helpline: 0845 01090000
- Police: 0845 0454545
- Hovertravel - Ryde: 01983 811000, Southsea: 02392 811000
- British Rail IoW: 01983 568551
- Ryde Theatre: 01983 568099
- Hospitals - St. Mary's, Newport: 01983 524081
- Wightlink: 0990 827744
- Isle of Wight Council Tourism Call Centre: 01983 813813
- Waterside Pool, Ryde: 01983 563656 - leisure.iwight.com
- Lymington Harbour: 01590 672014 - www.lymingtonharbour.co.uk
Ryde Harbour
The Esplanade
Isle of Wight PO33 1JA
Phone: 01983 613879
MOB: 07970 009899
Email: ryde.harbour@iow.gov.uk