V.H.F. Radio - Channel 80 (Call Sign - Ryde Harbour)

Ryde Harbour map

  1. Ryde Harbour dries and is only accessible to small craft approximately 2.5 hours before HW and 2 hours after HW.
  2. The approach channel across Ryde bears 202 Magnetic and is marked by Port and Starboard Navigational buoys as shown above.
  3. The Harbour Entrance is lit after Sunset by:

    (a) 2 Fixed Red Lights (vertical) on the Port Side of the Harbour Entrance.

    (b) 1 Flashing Green Light on the Starboard Side of the Harbour Entrance.

    (c) A floodlight directed shoreward incorporated in the Port Hand Navigation Light Mast illuminating the Harbour.

  4. Further information concerning the running of the Harbour can be obtained from the Ryde Harbour Master (01983) 613879.

General Information

  • The Harbourmaster will advise concerning all supplies and services which you may require.
  • Board sailing and jetski craft are prohibited within the harbour.
  • Yachtsmen and all navigators using the harbour and requested not to release washing water or to pump WC or bilge effluent into the harbour. This particularly important in a drying harbour.
  • Please ensure that only the shore facilities are used.
  • Fuels are available from local garages.
  • Gas is available from the local suppliers.

Weather Information

  • Dover Coastguard: 01304 210008
  • Solent Coastguard: 02392 552100
  • Portland Coastguard: 01305 760439

Weather Forecasts

  • Weathercall helpdesk: 0870 600 4242

Useful Telephone Numbers

  • HM Customs Helpline: 0845 01090000
  • Police: 0845 0454545
  • Hovertravel - Ryde: 01983 811000, Southsea: 02392 811000
  • British Rail IoW: 01983 568551
  • Ryde Theatre: 01983 568099
  • Hospitals - St. Mary's, Newport: 01983 524081
  • Wightlink: 0990 827744
  • Isle of Wight Council Tourism Call Centre: 01983 813813
  • Waterside Pool, Ryde: 01983 563656 - leisure.iwight.com
  • Lymington Harbour: 01590 672014 - www.lymingtonharbour.co.uk

Ryde Harbour
The Esplanade
Isle of Wight PO33 1JA
Phone: 01983 613879
MOB: 07970 009899
Email: ryde.harbour@iow.gov.uk