17 Dec 2012 Last updated at 00:00

Changes to housing benefits payment dates over Christmas

Anyone who claims housing benefit from the Isle of Wight Council is being advised of changes to some payment dates.

If you receive two weekly in arrears payments due to cover the period up to 23 December 2012, this payment will be sent on 20 December 2012.
If you claim two weekly in advance payments which will cover the period 31 December 2012 to 13 January 2013, these are also being adjusted. Cheque payments normally ready on 31 December 2012 will be dispatched on 21 December instead of the 28 December. The BACS two weekly in advance payment due on 31 December 2012 will instead be credited into banks on 27 December 2012.
All other payment dates in December and also in January are unaffected.
The service will close for Christmas from 4pm on 24 December and will re-open from 8.30am on 2 January. New applications for housing and council tax benefit can continue to be made online through the council’s website - www.iwight.com - by following the link to 'Revenue and Benefits'.

Anyone who claims housing benefits should make note of the changes to the payment dates
Anyone who claims housing benefits should make note of the changes to the payment dates
  • The council's benefits team are based at the Civic Centre in Sandown.
Sandown Isle of Wight