Present :


Cllrs Charles Chapman (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, George Cameron, Vanessa Churchman, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, John Effemey, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Barbara Foster, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Heather Humby, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Gill Kennett, David Knowles, Geoff Lumley, Win McRobert, Roger Mazillius, Muriel Miller, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lady Pigot, Garry Price, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Ian Stephens, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams


Apologies :


Cllrs Anne Bishop, John Bowker, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Jilly Wood


Before the commencement of the meeting the Chairman advised Members of Canon Buckett’s recent 80th birthday, presenting him with a gift on behalf of the Council.  The Chairman also presented the Isle of Wight Disability and Advice Line award for Outstanding Achievement to Rosie Barnard.  


39.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2006 be confirmed.




Cllr Margaret Webster declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 – Gambling Act 2006 Statement of Licensing Policy - as she held a liquor licence on a club.


41.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr M White of Newport asked a question relating to the responsibility for setting taxi fares on the Island.  The Cabinet Member responded, advising Council that Licensing policy was set by officers under delegated powers.  A written response would be provided following a scheduled meeting with the taxi trade.


Mr J Wortham of Brighstone asked a question about the apparent delay in making QP Consultants report on procurement available to elected Members.  The Leader advised that an independent report had been requested, the results of which would be shared with the public, elected Members and the District Auditor.


Mr Bob Blezzard of Sandown asked a question relating to the recent report about Sandown in the County Press.  The Cabinet Member advised that the Council was taking active steps to support Sandown.


42.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman had provided a written report, but further commented on:


·         the Chairman’s Challenge, which he had reintroduced to raise funds for the Chairman’s Charity, The Earl Mountbatten Hospice.  Members were encouraged to support this event, which would be advertised for all staff.


·         Sofia Roberts who had recently left Cowes High School had been chosen by the Japanese Foreign Office as one of 10 ambassadors to represent the United Kingdom on their annual intercultural programme. During the visit to Japan Sofia would meet with the Emperor and Empress of Japan as well as the Japanese Prime Minister.


·         The receipt of a petition from Mr Peter Lloyd of East Cowes regarding the old Frank James Hospital.  The Local Member additionally informed Members that an enforcement officer had recently met with English Heritage on site and a letter had been forwarded to the owner.  The Chairman advised Council that the petition would be passed to the Head of Planning Services.




(a)               By Cllr David Williams


Cllr Williams moved a motion relating to the Safer Neighbourhoods initiative. This was duly seconded.


During the debate on the motion concerns were raised about the recent reduction in Government funding for Police Community Support Officers and the impact on the Island community. 


The Cabinet Member advised that he would discuss these concerns with the Council’s representative on the Police Authority.


Following further debate it was




THAT the Isle of Wight Council:


                                                     (i)            welcomes the introduction of the Safer Neighbourhoods initiative.


                                                   (ii)            recognises that the Council, local members, parish and town councils and the police must work together to make Safer Neighbourhoods both a success and a reality, to improve the quality of life enjoyed by Island residents.


                                                 (iii)            is particularly pleased to see the support given by parish and town councils to their local beat officers and encourages the continued development of these working relations.


                                                  (iv)            however expresses disappointment at the recent announcement by the Government that they will be significantly reducing the funding for Police Community Support Officers, when these have been demonstrated to be a key element of the Safer Neighbourhoods initiative.


                                                    (v)            urges the Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and the Council’s representative on the Police Authority to make representations to the Government to reverse their decision.


                                                  (vi)            despite the above, the Council is still committed to providing additional funding of £169,000 towards Police Community Support Officers on the Island.


(b)               By Cllr Geoff Lumley


Cllr Lumley moved the following motion:


 “Council notes that the Protocol on Publicity and the Media contained within its own Constitution states at para. 28;


Wight Insight is a non-political publication, and will not ordinarily feature individual councillors or ventures of officers.”


Council notes that the Constitution has not been changed to take into account the name change of Wight Insight to ‘One Island’. However, Council additionally notes that the second edition of ‘One Island’, published in December 2006, featured numerous individual councillors, all but one from the Conservative group.


This Council resolves to strictly maintain the Constitutional requirement of its own publications being non-political and not ordinarily featuring individual councillors nor ventures of officers.


We resolve this in the strong belief that to relax that requirement would be tantamount to allowing political promotion at the expense of the Council Tax payers.”


The Motion was duly seconded.


During the debate Members were informed that later in the agenda Council would be asked to consider and approve a new protocol for media and communications.  However, the items referred to in One Island had only been relevant to the Members’ position and remit within the Council, and therefore did not conflict with the Constitution.


Following further debate and the vote, the motion was lost.




The Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation presented his report recommending the adoption of a Statement of Licensing Policy under the Gambling Act 2005.


Following a debate and vote it was




THAT the Statement of Licensing Policy (as attached at appendix 1 to the report) be adopted.




Members considered the report of the Director of Policy Performance and Partnerships and Deputy Chief Executive on a number of constitutional changes required to improve the effectiveness of public accountability and communications from the Council.


Following debate and the vote, it was




THAT the Council’s Constitution be amended (under the existing delegated powers) to give effect to the following:


(i)                 Motions can be considered alongside “any other business specified in the summons to the meeting”;


(ii)               That there be the provision for the acceptance of petitions subject to them meeting the criteria as set out in paragraph 7 above.


(iii)             That the current Protocol on Publicity and the Media be deleted from the council’s constitution.


(iv)              That Cabinet revises the media protocol and agree a new communications protocol at its meeting on 6 February.


(v)                That the constitution should contain revised paragraphs as set out in Appendix 1 to replace the existing Protocol on Publicity and the media as at page 199 of the constitution.


(vi)              That Article 11 of the Constitution be amended by the addition of a paragraph under the functions of the Monitoring Officer and the functions of the Chief Financial Officer making it clear that they are responsible for ensuring that all reports that are submitted to Members for consideration meet the required quality of accuracy and assessment of the issues to be considered.




Under the Constitution votes for appointments are usually carried out by secret ballot.  However it was proposed and seconded that Members agree to vote by a show of hands.  Following a vote it was




THAT Procedure Rule 18 (7) be suspended for this item so that the appointment can be determined by a show of hands.


Two nominations were received and seconded, Cllr Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond and Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox. 


Following a vote it was




THAT Cllr Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond be appointed Commissioner of the Policy Commission for Economy, Tourism, Regeneration and Transport.




It was proposed and seconded that Annual Council be held on 18 April 2007.




THAT Annual Council be held on Wednesday, 18 April 2007 at 6pm.


48.             CABINET


Reports of the Cabinet Members


(i)                 The Leader


A written report had been circulated and in addition the Leader mentioned the key challenges facing the Council in the next few months were value for money and high quality services for Island residents.  Council was advised that the re-organised Directors Team was almost complete and the budget was currently being prepared for the Council meeting on 21 February 2007.


The result of the consultation on the future of the Fire and Rescue Services was awaited and a meeting with the Minister would take place in the near future.


The Leader also informed Council that he had been accepted on a development programme of authority leaders.


Cllr Miller asked the Leader when the Directors Team would be complete and if there were further appointments to be made.  The Leader advised that he was unable to comment on individuals, but John Lawson was taking a career break. 


Cllr Hancock asked if copies of the recent staff survey would be made available to Members and who would be funding the Leader’s participation with the Leeds Castle development programme and how much time would be involved.  The Leader confirmed that the staff survey would be published in its entirety.  The Leeds Castle development programme would be funded by the Leadership Centre, the programme included a series of seminars and the time commitment would be discussed with colleagues as more information became available.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Learning


The Cabinet Member reported that he had forwarded two emails to the Secretary of State and was currently awaiting a response.


Cllr Hancock asked if the Cabinet Member intended to provide written reports in the future.  The Cabinet Member replied that it was not his intention to provide a written report when he was available to attend the meeting.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and added that disposal of buildings that were surplus to requirements, or unfit for purpose, had been a priority.  A disposal programme would provide capital receipts for reinvestment in maintaining other Council properties. In addition, the Council needed to build relationships with potential developers in order to provide the accommodation needed for Island residents.


Cllr Hancock asked for assurance that the Cabinet Member would consider community needs when determining which assets should be sold.  The Cabinet Member responded that capital receipts were acquired to fund community needs.


Cllr Sutton asked how much backlog of repair costs were inherited from the last administration.  The Cabinet Member advised that this was in excess of £40 million.

Cllr Mazillius asked if the Cabinet Member would join him in congratulating the Asset Management Team, whose performance had much improved over the past eighteen months.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to concur.


Cllr Miller congratulated the Cabinet Member on the progress with enforcement issues and called for a corporate enforcement policy to monitor and protect, particularly for listed buildings.  The Cabinet Member agreed of the importance for an articulated policy and planning conditions which were properly enforced.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation


A written report had been circulated and the Cabinet Member added that the Fire Service consultation exercise was almost complete.  The Charter Mark for Trading Standards had been achieved and congratulations were offered to the Head of Consumer Protection and his staff for their hard work.


Cllr Gardiner asked if the Cabinet Member would be inviting the Minister responsible for the Fire Service to visit the Island.  The Cabinet Member advised that he would await her latest decision before meeting with her.


Cllr Joyce asked if the Cabinet Member could urge the police to address low level crime on the Island.  The Cabinet Member advised that it was intended that PCSO’s would deal with low level crime issues on the Island, but the recent reduction in funding would make this more difficult to achieve.  Low level crime resulted in costs for the Council and therefore the tax payer.


Cllr Hancock asked the Cabinet Member to investigate why a Council Member had not as yet been appointed to the Isle of Wight Youth Justice System.  The Cabinet Member agreed to investigate.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and highlighted his attendance at a recent South East England Regional Assembly meeting, which was also attended by the Government Office of the South East.


Cllr Miller asked whether it would be possible to have a policy about installing Perspex windows in bus shelters instead of glass.  The Cabinet Member agreed to investigate this issue and discuss with the Director.


Cllr Hancock asked what more could be done about the issues surrounding planning gains and the proposed pooling of funding for the South East Region.  The Cabinet Member was currently discussing 106 Agreements with the Director.


Cllr Gardiner asked a question about the relationship between the Council and Southern Vectis, advising that an irrational timetable appeared to exist in her ward and there had also been reports of vehicles being damaged by buses.  The Cabinet Member advised that these issues would be discussed at the next meeting with Southern Vectis.


Cllr Mosdell asked the Cabinet Member whether another tax would be applied to 106 contributions should they be paid in cash and the Cabinet Member was unable to answer the question at this point in time.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for The Economy, The Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and added that following the One Island consultation a series of meetings had been arranged to cover three identified themes, pride, respect and value.  The meeting dates would be published in the County Press and all Members were encouraged to attend.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Island Health and Community Wellbeing


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report, highlighting the hard work of social services and other staff who had worked over the Christmas and New Year period.  Congratulations were also offered to the Social Services staff who had obtained two stars following the recent inspection.  The current priority was the number of mainland placements, which was currently being investigated.


Cllr Gardiner asked why the ‘capacity to improve’ section of the recent inspection had been down-graded.  The Cabinet Member would discuss with the Director and provide a written response, but assured the Member that this did not reflect on current performance.


Cllr David Whittaker asked the Cabinet Member if she would agree that a number of local authorities had been down-graded from two stars to one star whereas the Isle of Wight Council had done well to retain two stars.  The Cabinet Member agreed that retaining two stars and receiving positive comment from the inspectors provided confidence of moving in the right direction.  The staff was thanked for their hard work.


Cllr Hancock asked if the Cabinet Member could provide Members with a report about the Looked After Childrens’ opinion on the quality of the service provided.  The Cabinet Member would discuss with the Director at their next meeting.


Cllr Mazillius asked the Cabinet Member to join him in congratulating those who organised the recent Mental Health event at the Riverside Centre.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to concur.


Cllr Sutton asked about the rules governing the social services inspection, where retention of two stars was equivalent to a move upwards.  The Cabinet Member confirmed that the Island was performing better in some areas than other authorities with a three star rating.


(viii)          Chairman of Scrutiny


A written report had been provided and Members were additionally informed that the Committee had advertised in the County Press requesting that Island residents put forward ideas for investigation.   The Chairman asked that Members of the Liberal Democrat and Independent Groups consider taking up seats on the Scrutiny Committee.


(ix)              Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment


The Cabinet Member had previously presented her apologies, but had provided a written report for Council’s information.