Annual Disability Awards - 16 November 2006

A very enlightening experience, tinged with a good bit of fun.


Staff Learning Awards – 23 November and 27 November 2006

Congratulations to all staff who received awards.


Charity Coffee Morning and Gift Fair

A very successful morning which raised £723.47 for my charity.  My thanks go to Mr. Peter Pusey for letting me host this event at Dinosaur Isle.  My charity committee also sold raffle tickets at the IW Gift Fair and a further £123.64 was raised.


Isle of Wight Photographer of the Year - 2 December 2006

A very interesting exhibition of pictures and photographs, especially as none of the photographers were professional.  The winner had less than 6 months experience.


Direct Debit Challenge

I was delighted to go to Sandown to meet with the staff, many of whom I have known for well over 20 years.  Many congratulations to them all and a big thank you for the donation of a prize for my charity.


Osborne Middle School - 7 December 2006

Members of Osborne Middle School Council visited County Hall on the 7 December and held a debate in the Council Chamber on 'Whether teachers should wear a uniform'.  It was a very successful and entertaining morning.


Crazy Duck Race - Round Table - 17 December 2006

I was very pleased to be invited to start this charity event.  It was a nice warm sunny day and lots of fun.


Staff Carol Service - 19 December 2006

On Tuesday, 19 December 2007, Isle of Wight Council staff were invited to take part in a Carol Service at St. Thomas's Church, Newport.  A good number of staff, together with elected Members attended, and enjoyed Christmas refreshments before returning to work.


Chairman's Room

I am pleased to report that I have made improvements to the Chairman's Room and we now have two large display cabinets and a lectern in place.