Report from the Cabinet Member for Island Health & Community Wellbeing



Isle of Wight Council Meeting – 17 January 2007


Firstly, I would like to thank all the staff who worked over the Christmas and New Year period, providing essential Social Services support to vulnerable people. The Christmas period saw an unprecedented number of people admitted to hospital and our staff, along with health partners, are still working hard to ensure people can return home safely.


1.                  Adult Services


A new whole systems approach is being adopted with regular meetings now established between ourselves, the Primary Care Trust, general practitioners and the ambulance service.


A fuel poverty strategy is shortly to be launched and plans are in place to cope with any severe downturn in weather conditions, which may impact negatively on the older population.


I have attended the Learning Disabilities Workshop, at the Medina Centre, where I met with a range of stakeholders, young people and older residents with special needs. The prevalence of unemployment amongst young people with a disability was a key issue. It was agreed that this should be tackled as a priority.


I was pleased to attend the Isle of Wight Disability Awards. Many congratulations to Rosie Barnard and the Isle of Wight Council, who netted the special award for achievement.


A conference is planned in March to bring all staff and stakeholders up to date with the health white paper entitled ‘our health, our care, our say’ and to put a delivery plan in place that will ensure we make the shift in health and social care from acute to community care.


A meeting took place this week with Gerald Wistow (London School of Economics) and Eileen Waddington (Nuffield Institute), who have both agreed to assist us move the integrated care agenda forward. We have also been offered assistance by IDEA (the government improvement agency).


A carer’s conference is planned to take place on the 8th February, in the Riverside Centre. Details will be circulated shortly.


Many congratulations and thanks to Social Services staff who retained their two star status, despite extreme difficulties and resource pressures. An action plan, designed to monitor improvements, is in place.


2.                  Children’s Services


Members will be pleased to note that the Director of Children’s Services has introduced a new process to routinely ask our ‘looked after children’ for a view on the quality of the service that they receive, as part of their annual review. The recent Government white paper, entitled ‘every child matters’, highlights the need for local authorities to discharge their corporate parenting responsibilities more effectively.


A review of the approaches to ensure we improve the life chances of our children is underway.


The cost of residential placements on the mainland remains a cause for concern and the Director of Children’s Services is looking into this issue as a matter of priority.


A review of our youth services is to commence on the 7th February and will be chaired by Cllr Swan.


An inspection of the Wessex Youth Offending Team, which includes the Isle of Wight, will take place in March of this year.


I have attended a meeting of the parent’s interest group, held at the Isle of Wight College. Additionally, I have met with the Chairman of the local Safeguarding Board.


3.                  Local Government Association (LGA)


I attended the LGA general assembly on the 14th December. There were a number of key speakers who covered a variety of issues, including the Local Government White Paper entitled ‘People and Places’, the comprehensive spending review (in particular, the pressures on social services) and also an introduction to ‘the Best review’.


I attended the LGA community wellbeing board meeting on the 10th January. Rosie Winterton MP, Minister of State for Health Services, addressed the board and detailed the forthcoming proposals within the health bill, which will be published shortly.  The minister also outlined the proposed changes regarding local involvement networks (part 2 of the local government and public involvement bill).


The commissioning framework for health and wellbeing was discussed and it was noted that a consultation paper will be issued, by the Department of Health, shortly.


A briefing was given on the recent publication ‘the state of social care in England 2005/06’ issued by the Commission for Social Care Inspection. Details can be accessed through the CSCI website.


There are a number of useful documents that have been recently published by the LGA, including the Fair Care initiative. Details can be accessed at


The Cabinet/Director’s monthly briefings are proving most beneficial and the next event on 5 February will major on the new Parenting Handbook initiative and a further update, by Sarah Mitchell, on Adult Services’ direction of travel.