Report by Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing – Full Council 17 January 2007

1.               Assets

Surplus assets for disposal

A list has been compiled of the Council’s property assets that are surplus to requirements and available for disposal.  Cabinet approval has been given for grant of access over Council-owned land at Whippingham. The total consideration will be £2 million, plus the transfer of 2 acres of serviced employment land.


Relatively straightforward disposals with an assessed sale price in the order of £1.5m will be submitted for approval during 2007/8, together with more complex disposals that could add a further £3m capital receipts.  None of these assets are regarded, by any stretch of imagination, as the Council’s Crown Jewels. 


In line with the Council’s sustainability targets a specification is being developed for buildings on the proposed Pan Urban Extension site with carbon neutral and high thermal insulation requirements.  Whole life costing of each sustainable method will be used to detail cost saving within a 25 year period.

2.               Planning

Policy formulation

There is high priority on replacing an outdated, and in parts now inappropriate, Unitary Development Plan with the new Island Plan.  The Secretary of State has indicated support for more local input on planning policy.  With policy on the move, it is important that members of the Development Control Sub Committee are given comprehensive and up-to-date policy information, without intruding on the independence of their decisions.

Pre-application process

The new Head of Planning, Mr Bill Murphy, has agreed to manage a policy of pre-application consultation involving Ward Councillors and Executive Members.

Enforcement of conditions

Lack of consistent enforcement of conditions has been identified as a weakness.  I intend to report to Full Council at subsequent meetings on the repair of this deficiency.

3.               Housing

Housing Strategy

A proposed Housing Strategy will be presented to Cabinet in March 2007.  In the meantime I would like to emphasise the importance I attach to creating the volume and quality of accommodation required to meet the needs of Islanders.  That accommodation will not fill our needs if it cannot be afforded and much policy attention will be given to that subject.

Major projects

Under the Direction of Sarah Mitchell, practical strides have been made towards driving the first spade in the ground to create the new extension of Pan.  We aim for a place where people will be proud to live and this is a central plank of our Strategic Housing Policy.  The Ward Councillor for Pan is watching this space.  My aim is to provide residents with outcomes of which Cllr Lumley will be proud to have played a leading part.


Spades will soon be cutting turf in Kingston and significant regeneration sites should be in active development during the new financial year.



Councillor George Brown

Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing