Present :


Cllrs Charles Chapman (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, John Bowker, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, George Cameron, Vanessa Churchman, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, John Effemey, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, John Hobart,  Tim Hunter-Henderson, Pat Joyce, Gill Kennett, David Knowles, Geoff Lumley, Roger Mazillius, Win McRobert, Muriel Miller, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, Garry Price, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Ian Stephens,  Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Cllrs Anne Bishop, Barbara Foster, Heather Humby, Ian Ward





33.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2006 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


35.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr Duncan Keenan asked a question regarding the viability of the Council’s targets for renewable energy following the refusal of the wind farm application at Wellow.  The Leader responded that the Council would meet its targets and that the motion from Cllr Miller later in the agenda was most welcome and would provide the Council with an opportunity to be in forefront for renewables, particularly for tidal energy.


Mr Bob Blezzard asked for a guarantee that there would be no reduction in fire-fighting staff, equipment or the number of fire stations on the Island following the Fire and Rescue Service Options consultation.  The Cabinet Member advised that the consultation was taking place during the next three months on the Management of the service and no reduction was planned for the operational side of the service.  However, no further guarantees could be given at this stage since the Government’s Fire Service Emergency Cover (FSEC) legislation had now changed and the service may require a review in order to comply.


36.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman introduced the newly appointed HM Lord Lieutenant, Major General Martin White CB  CBE and on behalf of the Council presented him with a Scroll of Intent and Welcome.


HM Lord Lieutenant addressed the Council, emphasising the need for the Lieutenancy and the Council to work together for the Island’s benefit.  The Council was thanked for the Scroll of Intent and Welcome and the Lord Lieutenant’s Deputy Clerk, Mrs Gillian Phenix was also thanked for her contribution to the Lieutenancy.


A written report had been circulated updating Council on the Chairman’s recent engagements as well as forthcoming events.  The Chairman drew Members’ attention to the coffee morning being held at Dinosaur Isle on 25 November 2006, with all proceeds going to the Chairman’s charity.  The recent award of £500.00 to the Revenues Team for the Direct Debit Challenge was also highlighted; the money had been donated to the Chairman’s charity.  The Chairman concluded by inviting all Members and Council staff to join him for a Christmas drink in the Chairman’s Room on 13 December 2006.


Cllr David Knowles asked a question regarding the amount provided to the Chairman’s charity from the proceeds of the Garlic Festival.  The Chairman advised that he would provide a written response when this information was available.




A motion had been submitted by Cllr Muriel Miller requesting that Council recognise the need to increase the amount of renewable energy for the Island.  In particular the proposal mentioned solar panels and domestic wind turbines, suggesting that the Council could assist Island residents by simplifying the current planning process.  The motion invited the Cabinet Member to develop a Local Development Order with officers, which would eradicate the need for members of the public to apply for planning permission.  This action would also endorse the Council’s commitment to renewable energy.


The motion was seconded and it was proposed and accepted that biomass boilers be included in the proposal.


Members were generally in support of the motion, although it was envisaged that special conditions would be required for listed buildings and conservation areas.  Concerns were also raised about the cost of the wind turbines and solar panels given the low level of wages on the Island.   However, Members considered that individuals should be afforded the opportunity to take responsibility for saving energy and the environment in conjunction with their Local Authority.  The Council could contribute by facilitating a process to assist Island residents to make their contribution.




THAT this Council recognises:


·                    the need to increase the amount of renewable energy generated on the Island,

·                    that recent advances in technology now mean that individuals can make a difference themselves by installing energy generators such as solar panels, home wind turbines and biomass boilers, and

·                    that the Council has a role in assisting individuals to take such action.


Council therefore RESOLVES that the Cabinet Member for Environment, Planning and Transport, Councillor Ian Ward:


·                    investigates the viability of a Local Development Order which would enable householders (provided clearly stated criteria are satisfied) to erect solar panels, wind turbines and install biomass boilers without the need for planning permission, and

·                    in the event that such an Order is viable, bring forward a proposal as soon as is practicably possible.


38.             CABINET


(a)               Recommendations From The Cabinet


(i)                 Corporate Performance Assessment (CPA) Improvement Plan


The Leader introduced the recommendation from the Cabinet meeting held on 7 November 2006 regarding the Corporate Performance Assessment (CPA) Improvement Plan. 


Council was advised that a great deal of improvement had been achieved since the CPA had been undertaken.  The two priority areas for improvement had been Education and the Fire and Rescue Service and both services had experienced a number of changes and subsequent improvements in performance in recent months.


Members considered that the Improvement Plan would enable value for money services and underpin a Council Tax rise at or within the level of inflation.




                                                                      (1)                THAT the outcome of the Corporate Performance Assessment be noted.


                                                                      (2)                THAT the Comprehensive Performance Assessment Improvement Plan be adopted as a replacement for the existing corporate plan.


                                                                      (3)                THAT a debate be held in early 2007 considering a new One Council corporate plan.


(ii)               Joint Area Review (JAR) Action Plan


The Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing introduced the recommendation from the Cabinet meeting held on 7 November 2006 regarding the Joint Area Review (JAR) Action Plan.


Members were advised that the JAR had identified fifteen recommendations, but the focus for improvement was raising standards, improving access to services, and improving strategies.  Corporate parenting responsibilities in relation to ‘looked after children’ were discussed as well as the future of education provision on the Island and the School Improvement Plan. 


There were concerns about capacity and resources to support the Action Plan, and requests for better management of short-term exclusions and further investment for vocational training.  Council was reassured that resources would be managed to support the Action Plan.




                                                                      (1)                THAT the outcome of the Joint Area Review be noted.


                                                                      (2)                THAT the Joint Area Review Action Plan be adopted.


(b)               Reports Of The Cabinet Members


(i)                 The Leader


A written report had been circulated and the Leader also mentioned the recent Director and Cabinet Member away-days, which had been facilitated by Sir Brian Briscoe and Stephen Taylor.  Priorities for the forthcoming Council year had been identified and ways of working more closely with partner agencies to deliver key services had been discussed.


Cllr George Brown asked the Leader for comment about the recent Away-days with the senior management team, which in his opinion had been of the highest standard of any private or public sector business.  The Leader responded that Members had been elected by the Island community to drive the business management of the Council forward and improve service delivery.


Cllr Roger Mazillius asked the Leader to accept his congratulations on the Mace Bearer’s smart new uniform and the Leader responded that it had been the Chairman’s choice.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Learning


The Deputy Leader provided a verbal report, formally welcoming the Director of Children’s Services and advising Members that the new Head of Service for School Improvement would join the team in January 2007.  It was also reported that additional income had been identified for the School Improvement Programme, which would benefit the Island’s children.  Good Ofsted reports had been received by Sandown and Cowes High Schools as well as the Holy Cross school. Council was further informed that the Surestart centre in Ryde had proved very beneficial for young learners.  The Policy Commission for Children and School Results was currently investigating sixth form education options.  Members were also reminded that Cabinet Members and Directors were available for questions Monday afternoons in the Council Chamber.


Cllr Geoff Lumley asked the Cabinet Member to join him in congratulating Downside Middle School on their recent Ofsted report and the Cabinet Member stated that he was delighted that Downside had done so well.


Cllr Melanie Swan asked the Cabinet Member to join her in congratulating all schools on their Ofsted reports as well as the Adult Learning Service, which had also performed well.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to do so.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Environment, Planning and Transport


The Cabinet Member had presented his apologies and had provided a written report in his absence, which included a progress report on the Council’s waste initiatives.  In particular the Gasification bid for the facility at Forest Park was mentioned which would maintain focus on the Island’s waste management service.  This project would also ensure a contribution to the Council’s renewable energy targets.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for The Economy, The Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and mentioned in particular the White Air event, which had included ‘taster’ experiences for some sports.  Members were advised that funding had been secured to submit a bid for a Records Office with a Heritage Centre on the Island and that tourism figures for this year were up by 29%.


Cllr John Effemey asked the Cabinet Member to join him in congratulating Mrs Carol Morris on her appointment as Secretary of the Isle of Wight Cricket Association and the Cabinet Member agreed.


Cllr David Knowles asked a question regarding the current closure of the forum facility on the Council’s intranet.  The Leader responded, explaining that the facility had been closed for further work and new moderation guidelines would be posted when it was reinstated.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Island Health, Housing and Community Wellbeing


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report and highlighted that Mr Ed McAllister-Smith had been appointed Chief Executive of the Primary Care Trust.  The Local Government Association Community Wellbeing Board meeting had been attended and the Island compared well to other authorities.  The Council was also informed that the IDeA had offered some free consultancy.  Members were encouraged to visit the website for further information about Housing Services and to offer their comments on affordable housing to the Policy Commission for Care, Heath and Housing, who were currently undertaking an investigation.


Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox asked a question about the level of value given to an affordable home and was advised that a definition was currently being identified.


Cllr David Knowles asked a question about a number of empty properties on the Island and was advised that the Empty Properties Officer had already reclaimed 47 properties using Compulsory Purchase Orders.  A more detailed written response would be provided.


Cllr Ian Stephens asked a question about recent reports of hospital bed closures and how this might affect the health of Island residents.  The Cabinet Member explained that a consultation was currently being undertaken and that it was possible that some services would be delivered differently, although reductions in service would not be supported.


(vi)              Chairman of Scrutiny


The Chairman had provided a written report and also informed Council that a review day had been held for the committee, where a full agenda had been identified for the coming months.  Members were encouraged to take up the current vacancies on the committee.  In addition, regular meetings had been arranged with the local Member of Parliament.


Cllr Dawn Cousins asked a question regarding information contained in his report, which might be misleading.  The Chairman of Scrutiny informed Council that issues surrounding the Wightcare service would be discussed at the next Scrutiny Committee meeting.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment


A written report had been circulated and the Cabinet Member confirmed that all of the money for Parish Awards had now been allocated.  Visits were being arranged with Parish Councils for discussions about Quality Status and Parish Induction days had been well received.  The re-aligned policy for Risk Management was available on the Council’s website and the recent seminar had been well attended.  Risk Management was a key theme in developing the CPA Improvement Plan.


Cllr Geoff Lumley asked whether budget information would be provided for the Newport Town Management Committee and the Cabinet Member agreed to arrange a meeting to include the Director of Finance.


(viii)          Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation


A written report had been distributed and highlighted the current Fire and Rescue Service Options consultation period.  He also announced that one of the Council’s environmental officers had won the Novice Banger award in the recent Isle of Wight Sausage Championship.


Cllr Muriel Miller asked the Cabinet Member to scrutinize local retailers who were selling electric shock products and stun guns.  The Cabinet Member requested further details and advised that the Consumer Protection service would investigate further.