Present :


Cllrs Charles Chapman (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, John Bowker, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, Vanessa Churchman, Mike Cunningham, John Effemey, Barbara Foster, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Heather Humby, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Gill Kennett, Geoff Lumley, Roger Mazillius, Win McRobert, Muriel Miller, Lady Pigot, Garry Price, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Andy Sutton, Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Cllrs Anne Bishop, George Cameron, Dawn Cousins, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Deborah Gardiner, Pat Joyce, David Knowles, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Ian Stephens  and Melanie Swan







THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2006 be confirmed, subject to the following amendment:


Minute 23(i), to add to the first paragraph on page A-3 – ‘and the inclusiveness of council’s approach to prayers’.




There were no declarations received at this stage.




Questions were put to the Chairman as follows:


Mr John Wortham asked a question about the apparent inconsistency between the recent press report on severance payments to senior officers and a response to a question to Full Council earlier in the year.  The Chief Executive advised that this would be investigated and a written response would be provided.


Mr Clive Page asked a question regarding the several recent incidents at Coppins Bridge and Church Litten when vehicles had ignored the red light signal.  The Cabinet Member noted Mr Page’s comments and agreed to seek advice from the Safety Camera Partnership at a forthcoming meeting.




The Chairman had circulated a written report about events attended during the month.  


Council’s attention was drawn to the New Forest Civic Day held on 22 September 2006.  The event included wine-tasting at a local vineyard and a visit to Minstead Lodge, a charitable organization providing education and training for people with learning difficulties.


The Chairman had also hosted a farewell party for the retiring Lord Lieutenant, Christopher Bland, at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes during the month.  On behalf of the Council the Chairman wished Christopher Bland a long and happy retirement and thanked him for his contribution to the Island during the past eleven years.




(a)               By Councillor Barry Abraham


The Cabinet Member introduced the motion regarding the Council’s commitment to a Fire and Rescue Service of the highest operational standards.  The motion highlighted the importance of living in a safe and secure environment and recognized the value of consulting with Island residents.  


An amendment was proposed and accepted by the Cabinet Member and during the debate on the amended motion Members praised the standard of service currently provided on the Island.  Issues of cost and efficiency were raised and the need to focus on the management and organization of the service.  It was suggested that the Council’s Policy Commission for Safer Communities might also have a role to play if further investigation was needed.  Members supported the motion and the Cabinet Member called for all Members to be involved in the consultation process.




(i)                 THAT the Council is determined to create an environment on the Isle of Wight in which residents and visitors can live safely and securely. It recognises however that on occasions circumstances can arise where people find themselves at risk from danger of many forms.


(ii)               THAT  the Council is therefore committed to ensuring that the Island is served by a Fire and Rescue Service which delivers services that are of the highest operational standards.


(iii)             THAT the Council recognises the importance of the public’s views in shaping these services. It welcomes the start of a consultation process to gather the views of all the public about this important service and requests that the Cabinet Member initiates a thorough and comprehensive consultation exercise.


(b)               By Councillor Jilly Wood


The Cabinet Member introduced the motion regarding the forthcoming review of electoral arrangements.  The motion highlighted the Council’s commitment to quality Town and Parish Councils and democratic leadership and services delivered at a local level.  It was envisaged that following the forthcoming electoral review the Island would have fewer elected Members in future years.




THAT in preparing for the review of electoral arrangements, this Council:


(i)                 Recognises that :


(1)                 Town and Parish Councils on the Island are growing in number, with every community soon to have the benefit of democratic leadership and representation closest to the people.


(2)                 Town and Parish Councils on the Island are improving in quality, and starting to deliver their potential as providers of devolved public services;


(3)                 Believes that ever more local democratic leadership, and service delivery, can be delivered by further empowerment of Parish and Town Councils, and a corresponding reduction in the size of the membership of the Isle of Wight Council, and


(ii)               Resolves to :


(1)                 Welcome the Direction by the Electoral Commission to review the electoral arrangements of the Isle of Wight.


(2)                 Develop a submission to the Boundary Committee of the Electoral Commission, for debate at a future meeting of Full Council, which makes the case for a significant reduction in the number of Isle of Wight Councillors.




The Cabinet Member introduced the report, advising Council that this would be the last area of emparishment for the Island and it was proposed that it would encompass all eight areas of Newport.  The proposal was seconded by one of the Local Members who congratulated everyone on their hard work and called for Council’s support for a larger Newport Town Council.


Concerns were raised regarding the submission earlier in 2006 for a Cabrisbrooke Parish Council and potential strain on relationships between communities and Local Members.  However, Members envisaged that a larger Town Council would have greater opportunity for access to funding.  All Local Members would be included in future meetings and encouraged to work with their electorate and each other to make the proposed Newport Town Council a success.




(i)                          That the Isle of Wight Council support the petition for the establishment of the “Newport Parish Council”.


(ii)                          That the external boundaries of the Parish Council be as defined by the map set out in Appendix A, to include the currently unparished areas of the existing Electoral Divisions of Carisbrooke West, Carisbrooke East, Fairlee, Mountjoy, Newport North, Newport South, Pan and Parkhurst,


(iii)                          That the Parish Council area should be divided into eight Wards along the boundaries of the eight existing Electoral Divisions, where those boundaries fall within the Parish Council as proposed by the “Newport Parish Council” petition.


(iv)                          That the Parish Council should consist of sixteen members, with each Ward electing two members each.




In view of the debate on the previous item, the Chairman proposed that the report be approved as recommended.




THAT Full Council welcomes the Direction by the Electoral Commission to review the electoral arrangements of the Isle of Wight.


31.               MEMBERS ALLOWANCES


Council was advised that the law required that a Members Allowances scheme be adopted each year and when adopting a new scheme the Council needed to take into consideration the views of the Independent Remuneration Panel. The Panel had submitted its recommendations during August 2006 and this report was made available to the Council.  One of the key objectives of the proposed new scheme was to attract a diverse range of Members, including those in a caring role as well as people of working age.


Members raised concerns about the removal of the current expenses claim system, which would be replaced by an allowance based approach.  However, Council noted that the proposed new scheme would include a dependant carers allowance and would cut the costs of administration by £12,000.   The new scheme also proposed an uplift in the basic and special responsibility allowances, which would be index linked until 2009, when it was envisaged that the number of electoral wards on the Island would be significantly reduced.  The proposed new scheme also included co-opted members and recognised the new role of Member Champions. Council noted that the proposed new scheme remained below the national average for the South of England and all the increases would be contained within the existing budget provision.




(i)         THAT the existing scheme of allowances be revoked and a new scheme, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report (as attached to the signed minutes), be adopted with immediate effect.


(ii)        THAT the payment of remuneration to Member Champions be backdated to their appointment at Annual Council.


(iii)       THAT the changes to the basic and special responsibility allowances be backdated to Annual Council.


(iv)        THAT members of each of the Independent Remuneration Panels are thanked for their contribution to developing local democracy.




Reports of the Cabinet Members


(i)         The Leader


A written report had been circulated and the Leader added his good wishes to the retiring Lord Lieutenant, Christopher Bland and welcomed his successor Martin White.


The Leader had attended the Conservative Party Conference and drew Members attention to the change in emphasis to local government.


Cllr Hancock asked if he could have a copy of the written response to Mr Wortham’s question on recent severance payments to senior officers and also requested that the Leader investigate the apparent under-staffing situation in the Call Centre.    The Leader agreed to provide  Cllr Hancock with a copy of the letter to Mr Wortham and that he would also look into the situation at the Call Centre.


(ii)        The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Learning


The Cabinet Member had presented apologies to Council.


(iii)       Cabinet Member for The Economy, The Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism


A written report had been circulated, which included details of progress for the Island’s economic strategy, three new Area Investment Projects, and Customer Relationship Management system.


Cllr Hancock asked if he could be kept informed of progress when the Cabinet Member reviewed all types of crossing for the Medina river.  The Cabinet Member agreed to keep Cllr Hancock and all other local Members informed of the process.


(iv)        Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Community Wellbeing


The Cabinet Member had submitted apologies, providing a written report in her absence which included a progress report on adult and community services, housing services, the supporting people programme and children’s services.


(v)         Chairman of Scrutiny


A written report had been circulated for Council’s information, which included an update on an enquiry into school attainment for 2006, the loss of the housing grant and the planning gains and budget efficiencies enquiries.  The report also stated that the Cabinet Member had recently informed Wightcare staff that the service would not now be outsourced.


Cllr Wells asked a question regarding the accuracy of the statement about Wightcare, and referred to the recent press report, in which the Cabinet Member had stated that a new way forward was being discussed with staff and other interested parties.  The Chairman of Scrutiny reiterated that his statement about Wightcare was correct.


Cllr Miller asked the Chairman of Scrutiny if he intended doing anything about the apparent mis-advice provided in-house on the Constitution regarding the recent request for a call-in.  The Chairman advised that an apology had been received and further advice had been sought, although the call-in meeting had still not been held.


(vi)        Cabinet Member for Resources and Town/Parish Council Empowerment


The Cabinet Member had circulated a written report concerning the progress of the Parish Empowerment Programme, an update on the recently revised risk policy and efficiency savings in office supplies.


Cllr Arnold asked a question about the apparent lack of progress with the Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO’s) for Undercliff Drive.  The Cabinet Member advised that if there were no objections the CPO’s would be submitted to the Minister of Transport, but if objections were received the CPO’s would need to be submitted to the Secretary of State.  However, the Cabinet Member would ensure that the property owners received their money at the earliest opportunity.


Cllr Lumley asked if the Cabinet Member would explain what Star Chambers were.  The Cabinet Member explained that this was the name for the new process for reviewing capital programmes and bids for the next 3 to 6 years to ensure that a robust budget structure was in place.


Cllr Mazillius asked the Cabinet Member to join him in congratulating the Procurement staff for the success of the recent efficiency exercise, which had realised a saving of £40,000.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to do so.


(vii)       Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report updating Council on the Fire Options Appraisal Report, the ambulance service co-responder scheme, the Buy With Confidence scheme and the latest news regarding the Community Support Officers.


Council’s attention was drawn to the Ryde Cemetery project, which had recently won lottery funding, led by the Local Member, Cllr Ian Stephens.  The Chairman was asked to write to Cllr Stephens on behalf of the Council in recognition of this work.


Cllr Miller asked whether there was any money available for re-advertising the Buy with Confidence scheme particularly for the benefit of the elderly who were most vulnerable.  The Cabinet Member advised that almost one hundred businesses were now registered in the scheme and he would investigate whether funds were available for further advertising.


Cllr Ward thanked the Cabinet Member and the Commissioner for Safer Communities on the recent seminar for Members on enforcement and asked if the Council magazine could be utilised to highlight such events in the future.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to announce this had already been arranged.


(viii)      Cabinet Member for Environment, Planning and Transport


The Cabinet Member had provided a written report, which included a progress report on the Island Plan, the Sandown Bay Area Action Plan (AAP) and the Medina Valley Area Action Plan (AAP).


In addition, Members were advised of the recent change in access to funding for transport, which had been devolved to regional assemblies.  This could result in an overall loss to the Island due to the shift in emphasis to projects with regional significance.


Cllr Hancock requested that all Members were kept informed of progress with the Medina Valley AAP and asked for their contributions to discussions.  The Cabinet Member advised that all Local Members would be invited to participate in presentations and seminars.


Cllr Miller asked if it was possible to control the number of times the utility companies dug up the Island’s roads and suggested introducing a fee.  The Cabinet Member explained that the utility infrastructure was often in as bad a state of repair as the roads themselves, but he had asked officers to investigate ways to bring this under control and perhaps bring in a system of fines.